My Entrepreneurial Idea

My entrepreneurial idea is Solar Tiles

My Entrepreneurial idea is:

To develop solar panel tiles that can be placed on your roof. This product will also come with a power generator and a power storage battery that can be placed in your garage or on the outside of your house. These tiles will generate sustainable solar energy for your house which can be used to save electricity bills, so you can be off the grid.

Desirable Atributes:

These solar panel roof tiles will be waterproof, sustainable and have a classy appearance. It also has an additional generator and battery incase of a fault or electricity shortage. These roof tiles will reduce the cost of living making it easier for people to pay their bills, giving them one less thing to worry about. These roof tiles cannot only be used for homes, but can be used for schools, industries and appartments.

It is unique because:

Normal solar panels are placed on your roof tiles, may often look messy or are not in a position where they can absorb maximum sunlight to power your house. They can also be an additional cost to building. With solar panel tiles, you don’t need to replace them or update them unless they get damaged. By using solar roof tiles, you only need to apply the tiles once in the building process on the house. Solar Tiles come in many designs and shapes to your desires and the shape of your roof.

It will add value to customers lives because:

Investing in Solar Tiles, you can avoid the stress of becoming in dept because of bills. Using Solar Tiles will not only be sustainable, but they will also have a positive impact on your wellbeing by reducing the stress of paying bills. Using Solar Tiles will be one less thing for people to worry about and will give them the feeling that they helped save the environment. Solar Tiles will help improve the cost of living for those who can’t afford to live because of the expensive bills.

I can’t wait to keep developing my idea and help create a sustainable environment!