Week 8: Community

Hi Bloggers! I thought for this week’s activity, I could talk about our School community.

First of all, What is a community?                                                                                                                                                                           A community is a group of people that share a common interest.

My School community is a great learning environment for all ages! From Early learning to year 12, we are all very lucky to be able to learn in such safe environments.

School communities are one of the most important communities.

They are important as  they educate the children of today to become the leaders of tomorrow.  We are all encouraged to follow our own pathway and dreams.  Our school recognises that we all have unique talents to share.

Within our School there are lots of smaller communities, that students belong to based on their interests and talents.  I participate in Concert Choir (Wednesday mornings from 8am to 9am), Coding Club (Thursday Lunches from 1:05pm to 1:55pm), Tennis practice and games (Term 1 and 4, practice Tuesdays from 3:45pm to 4:45pm, games Fridays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm), Soccer practice and games (Term 3, practice Tuesdays from 3:45pm to 4:45pm, games Fridays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm). These activities are optional.

Other activities include having the choice of playing a musical instrument, optional social sports can be played too. Students can choose from a wide range of sports throughout the whole year, obviously appropriate for Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring! Clubs such as Chess Club, Coding Club, Drama Clubs and more. We are very lucky to have all these opportunities at my school.

At our school, we believe that looking after the environment is important, as the environment dies everyday. We have many bins around the school and even helpful community service girls who clean up the environment for 10 minutes at lunch on Thursdays and Fridays.

If you comment on this post please include the sports and clubs that you are involved in and any musical instruments you play!

Week 7: Let’s Talk School

Hi Bloggers! I thought for this week, I would talk about lunches.  At the moment at our school we are doing Nude Food.

Hopefully you all know what this is, for those of you who have not heard about it:

Nude food is a program when you bring your lunchbox to school without packaging or processed foods. For example, if you bring a tub of yoghurt, that is not nude food. If you buy a bigger tub of yoghurt and put it in a smaller container, your lunch is package free, that is nude food.

This term, my class did Nude Food November, it is when you do a whole month doing Nude Food. We also have Nude Food Tuesdays, it is when we do Nude Food every Tuesday.

Doing Nude Food means that you have no glad wrap, no aluminium foil, no baking paper, you are forced to make healthier choices. Healthier food choices like carrots, celery, capsicum and cucumber chopped up.


Being able to do nude food:

  • Creates healthier choices rather than fast food.
  • Helps the environment and animals stay clean and healthy.
  • Reduces land fill.


The challenges of doing nude food are:

  • Having to wash many containers.
  • Not having enough containers.
  • Losing containers


It was hard to start with, here are some fun lunch suggestions to get us started:

Thermos use:

  • Pasta
  • Soup
  • Cous cous
  • Rice
  • Hot water for cold home cooked meals.

Lunchbox use:

  • Sandwiches
  • Wraps
  • Salads
  • (Mini) Pies/pastys/sausage rolls
  • Ftir-fry
  • Sushi
  • Pizza quesadillas
  • Tortilla stars
  • Nachos/tacos/burritos
  • Pizza
  • Savoury muffins
  • Quiche


Please let me know if you do nude food at your school or would like to give it a go. You could even suggest what to have in nude food lunches

Week 6: Time To Visit (Game 2)

I went to the flip book and recommend these links:


This is what I wrote as a post:

Hi Anisha,
I really like your post on junk food, it looks like lots of effort and research was put into your post. I also love how you put a question for other people to comment their answer on and find their opinion. I would say no, junk food is a sometimes to never food that many of us get addicted to, it is truly horrible. You blog post was very detailed and provided the right amount of information, you didn’t go over the top or too less. Come check out my blog!:


I chose this post because it just shows the evidence on the effect on junk food to your body. Everyone likes junk food but it is preferred not to have, as long as you exercise and eat fruit, vegetables and meat often your body won’t be effected to harshly. Continue reading

Week 6: Time To Visit (Game 1)

Game 1:

I had so much fun playing game 1 these are the people I clicked on and on the third person, the post that I put:

  1. Alana’s Blog
  2. Margaret’s Blog
  3. Molly’s Blog

Hi Molly,
I found your blog post very fascinating, I would like to do that as an experiment or just as a fun activity. It was also a coincidence that the Potato Olympics was held during the Rio Olympics. I bet you had lots of fun. The idea of using potatoes was very creative. I would do that activity! Come check out my blog!


I chose this post because I just loved the activity that Molly did. I like the how she and the year 4s and 5s  experimented with potatoes and evolved it around maths. I also saw that she tried to put lots of effort into the post.

Here is the link to her post:

http://molly45yps.edublogs.org/2016/09/02/the-potato-olympics/#comment-34 Continue reading

Week 5: Free Choice

 The New Puppy

On Thursday the 10th of November 2016, I came home to a very big surprise… (my sister and) I got a new puppy! His name is Cooper and he is a Maltese shih tzu (shizu). He is a small breed. When we got him, he was 9 weeks and 4 days old. Hecooper-9-months-self was born on the 6th of September this year. He measures up to about the length of a ruler. He is tiny! The colour of his fur is mostly white, but he also has patches of light and dark brown on his head, two different coloured brown patches on his lower back and the bottom half of his tail is brown too! The best thing about Cooper, is that he is loyal to and adores every member of the family. Cooper’s nails are short but a bit sharp. At the moment he is teething, which means that his teeth are starting to come through, so he play-bites very often and he plays tug-a-war with your clothing and the table cloth. He also grabs on to your legs and arms like a little kid (It hurts minimally and sometimes it hurts a real lot) and play bites your with your fingers and your legs (don’t worry, fingers don’t hurt! Legs do.) At the moment we are trying to toilet train him, he is doing pretty well, but he needs to perfect the skill. On Friday he had his second vaccination. We can’t walk him yet until he has his third vaccination, which is in 3 weeks. Unfortunately we have to wait an extra week after that before we can walk him. On his third vaccination he is getting microchipped. On his collar he has a plain blue bone-shaped name tag, on the back his name and my parents phone numbers have been engraved. I love Cooper soo much when he is sleepy, he just rests on my lap or on the couch peacefully and his eyes always are drowsy.


On Thursday, after a busy day of school, Dad, my sister (Sarah) and I enter the house calmly and put our bags down after entering through the door.

‘Olivia, Sarah when you put your bags away, don’t move, okay?’ Dad asks.

‘Okay why?’ I ask.
‘I have a surprise for you and Sarah.’ Dad answered. Sarah walked up to the dining room table and picks up a soft parcel and I follow her.

‘Who is this for?’ Asked Sarah.

‘Mum.’ I answer ‘Her name is on the front.’

‘Oh, yeah.’ Sarah continued.

‘Now, look to your right!’ Dad says excitedly.

‘OH MY GOODNESS!’ Sarah and I said in chorus. ‘A NEW PUPPY!’ Dad starts laughing happily and Sarah and I join in. Cooper was silent in his cage so the surprise worked! His Tail wagging furiously in his cage. Sarah opens the cage and picks him up, she was almost in tears!



Cooper is fed lunch and dinner the same thing:

  • Refill of water
  • a handful of dry food
  • 1 teaspoon of wet food

Not a lot to eat, but he does have a small stomach.

Training Cooper is easy and hard. So far my family and I have taught Cooper how to:

  • Go to his bed
  • Sit
  • Lie down (Still working on)
  • Roll over (Still working on)

We are planing to teach Cooper how to:

  • Stay/Wait
  • Shake (lift his paw)

We are planing on taking him to puppy school. He has to get groomed every 6 weeks too. We are thinking of trimming his hair for summer, I bet he will look slightly different. To avoid biting, we distract Cooper with his best friends: A blue hand towel, a squeaky toy duck and a tennis ball, sometimes that doesn’t work. He has a high pitched bark ad he sometimes growls when he is angry or frustrated. There is so much more to learn and teach this dog for the future. That is what I am excited about, hopefully he lives long!


two websites:


These websites help you for training and learning about dogs.

Week 4: Guest Posts

Dear Readers,

I have recently looked at a blog by a teacher / educator / mentor called Ms Smith.

Her post was about what to do if you live near a place where it is common for earthquakes to strike.

She has put up fun activities and an ‘Emergency Preparedness Survey’ for us to complete if we want to.

I really enjoyed reading her post, I recommend visiting her blog!

Her blog URL is:


This is what I wrote when I commented on her blog:

Dear Ms Smith,
I value your creativity while reading this post. Your idea about the Zombie Apocalypse made me think of how natural disaster can happen in a blink of an eye unexpectedly. I also really like how you provided information about what you would do if an earthquake hit: DROP, COVER, HOLD ON. I also loved and valued the way you put up extra activities to get the
opinions of others. You have taught me so much from one post.

Here is the URL to my blog, I will make sure I will complete at least one of your activities soon.


Kind regards
Olivia K

–  Olivia K