Today, my aim was to finish building my circuit and test it, but unfortunately I could not test it as the day is overcast. Next lesson, my aim is to build my box.

On Monday, I collected the following materials:

– 1 X alligator  clip

– 1 X roll of circuit wire

– 3 X LED lights

– 1 X solar panel

– 1 X pliers

– 1 X resistor

I figured that instead of buying craft wire to use as a conductor of electricity, I was looking at my desk at home and saw a paper clip. I then immediately though that this would be a cheaper (free) and an easier way to construct my circuit. (I always try to think creatively!). I decided to use paper clips. I ended up beginning by circuit on Monday night and finished today, so far I am on track. If I can test my circuit next lesson (or whenever there is a sunny day), if it works, begin my box, if the circuit doesn’t work, find out why and fix it.

Today, I finished my whole circuit and attached below are some pictures of how I did it.

Today I learned how to strip a portion of the insulator of a wire and how to connect them to a part of a circuit without the wire slipping off. I also learned how to attach a wire onto an alligator clip as I wasn’t extremely confident about it and I didn’t want a small detail to prevent my circuit from working! The challenge for me this lesson was wrapping the wires around segments of my circuit, I could that the wires would easily slip off and would always unravel. I also found that the paper clips were also hard to bend as the metal was thick so I was thinking of using some tweezers or pliers that grip from home so I wouldn’t hurt my fingers or damage the wire, it would also make it easier for me to wrap the circuit wires around parts of the circuit. I am still unsure if I want to use soldering to guarantee that the wires wont fall off.

For my box next week, I am planning on using the cardboard from a white shoe box. I am not exactly sure if the cardboard will be too thin, but if it is, I can always go to Bunnings and get it there for free. I love that shop!

Overall today, I had a lot of fun building my circuit and are keeping an eye out for a spot of sun to test my circuit. I really hope it works!