Lesson 3 STEM – Week 4

Today’s lessons were a mixture of fun and persisting, but before I start I have an accomplishment on coding… I figured out the ‘Speaking Backwards!’ code challenge!!! I felt really happy that I figured it out. It turns out that I was on the right and wrong track. I figured out that my input was right but I had forgotten the code: for i in range(len(line(-1, -1,-1). This means for each character in typed text’s length line print the character at the back first. I found out this by going back to the information that I was given and putting it forward towards my own code. I also forgot that you didn’t need the name of the input in between the brackets after print. I know that if you are not python coder, that this might sound like a different language, but don’t worry it’s easy to explain, feel free to ask me.

Today I started the lesson by coding level 4 of my game in progress, Ballon Spikes. I spent a third of the lesson coding that, which was simple. I moved the spikes around, made a new coloured ball, set new obstacles and made sprites trigger the start of the next level. I did a lot of duplicating, adding code to the ballon so when the ball touches the purple ball, the sprite ‘Go to Level: 5’ would show. I also added more broadcast messages for the ballon, and the rest of the sprites. I did encounter one problem, when one of the spike sprites were stubborn and didn’t want to change to costume 2, so I did some fiddling around and I found out that my costume for the spike was set to costume 1 not 2, so I fixed that.

Later in the lesson, I logged onto grok learning and I completed the ‘Speaking Backwards!’ challenge which I got soo excited about because I was stuck on it for a week! The next challenge was called ‘Secret Agent’. In this challenge you have to get your code to print every third letter in your sentence. Luckily, since I had experience from the ‘Speaking Backwards!’ challenge, I had a brief idea of what my code would look like and how it was going to function. Unfortunately, I did not finish it, but I am planning to finishing it in the next upcoming lesson. I would really like to know if you are new to coding, are interested in doing it but don’t do it or don’t know about it/not your thing. If you do grok, I would really appreciate your advice and some tips!

During the lesson, I had a look at my friend’s code and what game she was making on scratch. I saw that she completed her maze game and published it on scratch (I played it too) and saw her make a new game where you make your own subway sandwich. I thought that the idea was cool, and I couldn’t wait to play it.

Sorry, but that is all for now! I will have an update on my next lesson next week!

print(‘Bye everyone!’)


My code for ‘Speaking Backwards!’ that works! YAY!